335 (342) worked, 335 (342) confirmed, 335 (342) awarded (mixed)
Not worked and unconfirmed DXCC entities 2022-12-26
3Y-P Peter I Island Not worked BV9P Pratas Island Not worked CE0X San Felix Not worked KH3 Johnston Island Not worked P5 North Korea Not worked
2024-12-05 Worked DXCCcfm/not cfm
missing mixed 3Y0-P,BV9P,CE0X,KH3,P5 Worked/cfm on Phone but not on CW VK0-M,YK,ZS8 List of hopeless QSOs = No chance to get band cfm 5V7BB 2004 15m DU7ET 2015 160m E44YL 2016 12m ET7L 2016 30m (not approved by ARRL) FT5XO 2005 30m HV3SJ 1990 10m (SK) TI9C 1988 10m VQ9ET 2015 12m